Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Munn’s Perfect Valentine’s Day And Where To Spend It In New York

Olivia Munn

Guys, if you’re going to take Olivia Munn out for Valentine’s Day, you better not show up in a horse and buggy.

When asked by PETA what her perfect idea for a V-Day date was, Munn answered: “The least romantic thing to do in New York or any other city is going on horse-drawn carriage rides. … [I]f you knew the pain and misery these beautiful animals endure just to fulfill the false symbol of uniting two hearts, it would actually break your heart. To see the horses in the harsh, cold weather being forced to cart people around the city is the farthest thing from romantic in my opinion.”

And she likes pizza. Just not vegan pizza, because it tastes like poo.

“I would personally find it really romantic to grab a big pizza, a couple bottles of wine, and hang out in a hotel room with a big fireplace and just talk and laugh,” Munn said of her best date idea.

If you’re in the New York area, Supervegan has done a nice job of compiling great places to dine and satisfy the sweet teeth of you and your sweetie.

A dozen vegan restaurants, vegan chocolates that benefit good causes and even something for the hard to please lover with multiple food allergies and sensitivities like gluten are included.

Photo: PR Photos

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