Quantcast Vegetarian StarAsk Men’s 99 Women Of 2011 Are Vegetarian Friendly

Ask Men’s 99 Women Of 2011 Are Vegetarian Friendly

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 3rd, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Olivia Wilde

There’s nothing hotter than plants, right? One only has to look at the PETA Super Bowl videos here and here to realize what a turn-on produce is.

So it makes sense that several vegetarian and vegan women have made Askmen.com’s 99 women of 2011 list.

Olivia Wilde has everything the doctor ordered, as the House actress made the cut, proving not only her vegan bolognese is the bomb-diggity. Wilde enjoys picking up items from the Farmers Market and has said most of her veggie nights shared with her Italian husband are filled with pasta.

Visit Askmen.com to see the other veg ladies in the top 99, including Natalie Portman, Lea Michele and Kristen Bell.

Photo: PR Photos

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