Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoshua Gomez Can’t Eat Subway On “Chuck” Until More Vegan Options Added (Video)

Joshua Gomez, who plays Chuck’s co-worker Morgan Grimes on the NBC television series about a computer store geek who accidentally downloads government secrets to his brain, “Chuck,” is a vegetarian in real life.

So when it came time to devour the meatball sub sandwich from Subway presented to him during a scene on “Chuck  Vs. The Leftovers,” we got a little nervous when he was about to chow down. Was the sandwich stuffed with wheatballs instead? Luckily (or perhaps a little unluckily for Morgan), his dinner is interrupted by an unexpected customer carrying a weapon.

Subway doesn’t offer much for vegans except a Veggie Delight with no cheese on Italian bread. If you’d like to see that change, maybe you should look into Compassion Over Killing’s “We Love Subway” campaign.

The group would like Subway to offer vegan Tofurky meats, much like major restaurants like Denny’s offer veg favorites like Amy’s veggie burgers.

“As Subway fans, we have an idea that could make the chain even better: vegetarian “meats” (such as meat-free turkey, chicken, and ham slices),” writes the group on its website. “Whether you’re vegetarian or vegan; a meat-eater who wants to eat a bit healthier once in a while; looking for a cholesterol-free meal; eat Kosher or Halal foods; or are concerned about the environmental impact of meat production, these delicious products offer something for everyone!”

Interested Subway fans can currently leave their comments, thoughts and signatures on the We Love Subway page to help the campaign grow.

Morgan will probably be putting his two cents on there too–as soon as he escapes his captors.

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One Response to “Joshua Gomez Can’t Eat Subway On “Chuck” Until More Vegan Options Added (Video)”

  1. Robert Says:

    Might be worth adding that most Subways have carried the “Garden Patty” option for years. Morningstar patties are not vegan but should quench the vegetarian appetite just fine.