Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Emily Deschanel Admits Some Vegans Still Enjoy The Junk

Emily Deschanel

“I’m a vegan, but you can be really unhealthy as a vegan, too. Vegan just means that you don’t use animal products, so you don’t wear leather, you don’t wear wool, and you don’t eat animal products. But you can eat french fries and stuff like that all day.”

Emily Deschanel, clarifying that not every vegan is into it for health reasons. Fair, but you should at least try to follow a diet that excludes animal products and is better for you. Some occasional vegan junk isn’t bad. Our vote is for vegan ice cream and vegan cookies. What’s your favorite non-nutritional vegan item to chow down on?

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–Emily Deschanel Admits Some Vegans Still Enjoy The Junk”

  1. Karina Says:

    I don’t blame her. Vegan baked goods are absolutely delicious.