Quantcast Vegetarian StarGordon Ramsay “Ramsay’s Best” Show Gives Indian Veg Restaurant Business Boost

Gordon Ramsay

Prashad, an Indian based vegetarian restaurant in the UK, has had to increase its staff since becoming a finalist on Gordon Ramsay‘s television show, “Ramsay’s Best Restaurant.”

The show, on Britain’s Channel 4, pits restaurants against each other in meal competition, narrowing the champions down to semi-finalist and then finalists. Prashad finished as the runner-up in a broadcast last September.

“Appearing on Ramsay’s Best Restaurant has enabled us to create these opportunities and we are very grateful for that,” said restaurant owner Bobby Patel, who’s had to hire three new waiters, three new kitchen staff and is currently recruiting more.

Prashad, located at 86 Horton Grange Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, has been featuring vegetarian deli and other menu items since 1986. Having both dine-in and take-out and delivery menus, Prashad features vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free and onion and garlic free dishes.

Besides the various curries and breads, we’d love to order the Hara Bara Burger with Massala Chips–a spicy mashed pea and cauliflower pate with equally spicy chips.

Another feature on the menu looks especially appetizing, but it has nothing to do with the food. Prashad list several famous vegetarians under the beverage section.

The goal behind Ramsay’s Best Restaurant is to discover restaurants that have not received the fame they deserve. Because of this, potential competitors must be independently owned and operated–absolutely no major chains.

If you know of a good British veg-friendly restaurant that could use some well-deserved attention, nominate it for Ramsay’s Best.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Gordon Ramsay “Ramsay’s Best” Show Gives Indian Veg Restaurant Business Boost”

  1. Jill Says:

    I remember seeing this restaurant on the show! As a fellow veggie I’m so glad it’s getting more business 🙂