Quantcast Vegetarian StarCelebrities Help Purina ONE beyOnd Raise Money For Homeless Pets

Dog in kennel with adoption sign

From now until December 10th, 2010, Purina ONE beyOnd is donating $1 to help homeless pets when viewers watch a video on Youtube at this link. Donations will be made up to $300,000, with a limit of $1 per person.

The videos highlight Purina’s ONE beyOnd brand, which is touted to have more natural ingredients without adding corn or wheat and use environmentally friendly packing, which include the following manufacturing steps.

  • Some of beyOnd is made at a plant in Denver, Colorado that uses solar energy.
  • Packaging is made from at least 92% Renewable Materials.
  • Paper in Packaging is SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) Certified.
  • Packaging is Printed with Soy-Based Inks.

Stars like Shannon Elizabeth and Audrina Patridge have already Tweeted about the charity, encouraging their fans to RT and spread the good news.

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One Response to “Celebrities Help Purina ONE beyOnd Raise Money For Homeless Pets”

  1. Katherine Says:

    love the idea, but why not a vegetarian version as well? Dogs thrive on vegetarian diets as well, if not more, than omnivorous.