Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Munn Reports On Prop B For “The Daily Show” (Video)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Big Red Dogs
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Olivia Munn‘s reporting on the passing Proposition B, a new law in Missouri which passed with 52% of the “yes” vote that sets down stricter rules for puppy breeders, finds her interviewing one opponent to the new measure who compares it to Obamacare and cites humans are treated the same way as puppies in mills are all the time.

When Munn asks how, the opponent replies that humans are housed in apartments that are stacked just like crates in mills.

But, as Munn insists, most apartments don’t allow your neighbor to sh*t on your head just because he’s housed above you, something puppy mills have failed to accommodate for.

Another hilarious satire from The Daily Show.

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