Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres “Laugh.Dance.Rescue.” Shirt Benefits Humane Society

Ellen DeGeneres "Laugh.Dance.Rescue" V-Neck"

Ellen DeGeneres "Laugh.Dance.Rescue" V-Neck"

Animal activists could buy this shirt for themselves to celebrate Missouri passing Prop B puppy mill legislation.

Ellen DeGeneres is selling a V-neck t-shirt through her show’s website that benefits the Humane Society of the United States.

The “Laugh.Dance.Rescue.” shirt is available in sizes small to XX-Large, all sizes priced at only $20.

Laugh.Dance.Rescue. features an outline of a puppy with the tee’s signature title printed on the pup’s head.

A portion of the net proceeds of sales from the 100% pre-washed cotton shirt benefits HSUS.

Order. Then Laugh.Dance. and be thankful for the opportunity to help an organization that works to change laws to protect millions of pets, farm and wild animals.

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