Quantcast Vegetarian StarRich Roll Rolls As 40-Something Endurance Athlete On Plants (Video)

Rich Roll

Rich Roll

At the age of 40, Rich Roll took a good look at his physique and a deeper look at his family medical history of heart problems and realized he could no longer hide behind the illusion of the fit, college swimmer he was years ago.

The ultra-distance athlete who was named “25 Fittest Guys In The World,” by Men’s Fitness Magazine found the only way to redeem himself was through a vegan diet. In interviews with Planet Green and Mind Body Green, Rich explains how he rolls on entirely plant-based meals.

From Planet Green:

“By excelling as an ultra-endurance athlete in my mid-40’s on an entirely plant-based diet, it is my hope that I can help inspire others to understand that they too have the inner power improve their wellness. Of course, not everyone is going to go entirely vegan or complete the Ultraman, but maybe they will be inspired enough to unearth those running shoes collecting dust in the closet; or think twice before ordering that steak.”

“If we want to heal, truly heal, then we must keenly focus the national health debate on one thing: preventative medicine. And simply put, a plant-based whole food diet is the easiest, most cost effective, and environmentally conscious means to vastly improve the health and environment of not just America, but the world at large. As a result of my journey, I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities to help get this message out.”

More at Planet Green.

During an interview with Mind Body Green, Roll described his grocery staples as, “Kale, beets, carrots, spinach, brussel sprouts, broccoli, avocados, asparagus, artichokes & plenty of fruits. Almonds, almond butter, gluten free breads. Quinoa, brown rice and brown rice pastas; potatoes & yams. Flax seeds, flax, olive & hemp oil. Coconut milk, water & ice cream. Almond milk, maca, chia seeds, veganaise.”

Below is from an interview with PETA.

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