Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Amazing Race” Vegetarian Eats Sheep. What Happens When Vegs Eat Meat Again.

Amazing Race Nat and Kat

Amazing Race Nat and Kat

If Terence Gerchberg is keeping up with this season’s Amazing Race, he may have experienced some post traumatic stress after watching one of the contestants eat sheep in a challenge.

Gerchberg, a vegetarian, couldn’t stomach it, but Kat, a vegetarian for over two decades, said the sheep’s head tasted “like money” and she and teammate Nat received the Fast Forward Pass for gulping it down.

Whether or not Kat’s conscience will be throwing up later is still in question. But have you ever wondered what happens to a vegetarian or vegan’s stomach after eating meat it hasn’t touched in years? You may have unwillingly participated in such an experiment and have come to your own conclusions (what do you mean there’s beef broth in the Very Veggy Soup?), but a Cornell University nutrition professor and Dr. Michael Greger, clinical nutritionist and director of public health and animal agriculture for the Humane Society of the United States, have two explanations.

David Levitsky from Cornell says the level of enzymes that digest protein and fat drop when you stop eating meat and it could take a few days to recover that ability.

Dr. Greger explained why so many vegetarians report feeling sick to their stomachs after eating meat again.

It may all be in their heads, or psychosomatic.

“What’s really happening is they’re thinking of some poor animal somewhere, and this may actually cause them to throw up,” Greger said.

It’s good to be a head case sometimes. Stay away from the sheep and any other meat and save yourself symptoms Pepto Bismol and the psychologist promise to heal.

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One Response to ““Amazing Race” Vegetarian Eats Sheep. What Happens When Vegs Eat Meat Again.”

  1. SmartAssProducts.com Says:

    I wouldn’t eat dead animals again for ANY amount of money. I don’t know what Kat’s reason(s) for being vegetarian may be, but since my reasons are ethical, there’s just no way I could do it.

    PS That should be “conscience” not “conscious.” 🙂