Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Guest Blogs On Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Life” About Horse-Drawn Carriages

Living in New York City, Lea Michele sees horse-drawn carriages on a regular basis. And while some may feel it’s innocent entertainment or tradition, the actress took to Alicia Silverstone‘s blog, The Kind Life, to urge readers to take a stroll through city parks by foot instead–and possibly get the horses to a sanctuary.

“My biggest trouble these days are the poor horses in Central Park. Living in New York City, I see them sadly standing on the sides of busy streets with their heads right in the asses of the horse right in front of them! They walk in the rain, snow, and heat, pulling people all day long, rarely getting proper food, water or care.”

“If you live in New York, next time you’re walking down Central Park Blvd. and you see tourists considering going for a ride, suggest to them that they take a stroll through Strawberry Field instead–the horses cant go through there-or rent a bike…or now they even have people who ride bikes and have seats for people on the back! It’s so much more fun.”

Michelle has starred in a PETA ad against horse-drawn carriages, an industry many activists are looking to ban due to the adverse weather conditions horses are forced to work in and the accidents and even fatalities that occur when a horse and buggy is placed on the busy streets of someplace like New York City.

There’s also been an unexpected consequence–health problems triggered by the environmental presence of horse manure.

A 2005 article from the New York Post cited children in a Hell’s Kitchen elementary school getting sick with rashes, asthma and other symptoms after constantly smelling the manure from the stable that was next door. It was believed manure particles became airborne and traveled through the heating and cooling vents, causing the sickness when breathed. The worst past of all was that the smell was most prominent near the front of the school building–right where the cafeteria was.

Something tells us the menu at PS 51 smelled worse than any mystery meat the lunch lady usually served.

Photo: PR Photos

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