Quantcast Vegetarian StarChimpanzee “Pet” In Kansas City Goes On Rampage (Video)

Chimpanzee “Pet” In Kansas City Goes On Rampage (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 21st, 2010 in Animal Issues, Videos.

In a story that could have ended as tragic as the Charla Nash and the Old Navy Chimp one, a chimpanzee went on a rampage in Kansas City after breaking out of the home he was kept in as a pet.

Chimps. Should. Not. Be. Kept. As. Pets.

The 300 pound animal attacked police officer’s cars, smashing the windows. Although a tranquilizer was not able to stop him in his tracks, the owner’s coaxing made the “pet” turn around and go back in the house.

An article from National Geographic states that according to The Allied Effort to Save Other Primates, an international coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to protecting monkeys and apes, there are an estimated 15,000 primates kept as pets in the United States.

There are no federal laws preventing the ownership of non-human primates and only a handful of states outlaw this.

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada says that an adult chimpanzee is five times as strong as an adult human. People looking to take these animals in as pets may overlook the fact that chimps live for 50-60 years on average. Eventually, when the aggression and other behavioral problems become too much to handle, owners have no choice but to give them up. Not able to return to the wild, chimps often become residents in medical research laboratories.

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One Response to “Chimpanzee “Pet” In Kansas City Goes On Rampage (Video)”

  1. Casey Says:

    I saw this video on CNN and all I can think was, “Why does that chimp have a chain around his neck? and Of course he is on a rampage, they are putting him in cage.” The video also says that the owner was “cited” for having a dangerous animal within city limits. The owner should be imprisoned for harboring an endangered species with obvious animal abuse(the chain and cage). This is just sad.