Quantcast Vegetarian StarJillian Michaels So Delicious Coconut Milk Ad Behind The Scenes Interview (Video)

A behind the scenes interview with Jillian Michaels as she films an ad for So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage’s “Change Your Milk. Change Your Life,” campaign.

Michaels will be representing the vegan beverage, with the campaign to launch next year.

Michaels discovered the beverage while looking for non-dairy, milk alternatives in the grocery store and was impressed by the drink’s nutritional benefits, as well as the company’s ethics.

“I read the label, I scrutinized it from top to bottom and I compared it to every single thing on the shelf from dairy to non-dairy products. What I particularly loved were all the health benefits. No pesticides. The coconuts are no genetically modified in any way. In addition, there’s Vitamin D, there’s calcium, there’s medium chain fatty acids, which are great for your heart health, its low in calories…”

Is this why some of calling coconut the new soy?

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One Response to “Jillian Michaels So Delicious Coconut Milk Ad Behind The Scenes Interview (Video)”

  1. Helena Says:

    Jillian Michaels is amazing! I wish I had half of her energy and could do some of those yoga poses. So Delicious coconut milk is so wonderful, it’s the only milk we have in our home, And their coconut milk ice cream is like heaven.