Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Whatever With Alexis And Jennifer” Hosts Kathy Freston For Vegan Talk (Video)

Alexis Stewart, the vegetarian daughter of household diva Martha, and her co-host Jennifer Koppelman Hutt, recently welcomed Kathy Freston, author of several books on wellness and the same woman who convinced Oprah Winfrey to go vegan for a few weeks.

As expected, Freston was there to enlighten the Whatever ladies’ audience on what a vegan diet is and how following a plant-based diet can eliminate many health issues.

Freston’s transition to veganism didn’t happen overnight. As a girl who “grew up in the South eating chicken fried steak,” she found it easier to go vegetarian first, giving up her old standbys of chicken and steak.

“I gave up eating one animal at a time,” Freston said.

Sounds like a plan. Can you start giving up one animal next month by eating a vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner instead of a bird?

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