Quantcast Vegetarian StarVanilla Ice Recommends Vitamins And Veg Friendly Pill Options

Vanilla Ice says open wide…and pop a vitamin in your mouth.

When New York Magazine asked him what his secret was to looking so great at 41 (besides masturbating frequently like Ernest Borgnine, of course), Ice replied, “Take your vitamins … I’m a vegetarian. I don’t know. Genes.”

Ice forgot to add to invest in a quality vitamin suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Most know the gelatinous capsule takes many supplements off the list, but you have to remember there are some vitamins themselves, like D, which can be derived from animals.

The best solution is to purchase a supplement from a company that either makes vegan vitamins or has a line of vegetarian friendly pills. Solgar is a higher end brand that manufactures a multiple, with or without iron, that’s suitable for vegetarians. Deva, Solaray’s VegLife and The Garden of Life Vitamin Code are vegan approved.

After selecting the vitamin of choice, don’t forget to do the solubility test, to see if your favorite dissolves quickly in your system (thus, allowing you to benefit fully). This is one by dissolving a vitamin in one cup of water heated to approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit, the same temperature as the human body. Stir the water around the pill continuously, being careful not to touch the pill, for 30-45 minutes, which is approximately the amount of time it takes for a good manufactured pill to dissolve.

Photo: PR Photos

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