Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Harper Eats Vegan With “Biggest Loser” Contestants (Video)

As reported earlier, this week’s episode of The Biggest Loser featured Bob Harper taking some contestants back to his home and serving them vegan food.

As always, Bob gives some tips for creating a healthier kitchen, including staying away from processed foods.

Harper insists he doesn’t keep a lot of food in the house, because food that will store longer means more processed ingredients. It’s a safe bet he’s not harboring a McDonald’s burger that will not decompose after six months.

“I think the food you should have in your house should have a shelf life of two weeks,” Harper said.

The contestants enjoyed a completely vegan meal of roasted wild mushroom with shaved fennel salad, an heirloom tomato and basil leaf salad, chopped broccoli with pine nuts, roasted sweet corn and roasted cauliflower.

Watch the clip below to hear the contestants’ reaction to their first vegan meal.

Photo: PR Photos

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