Quantcast Vegetarian StarBlogHER Co-Founder Elisa Camahort Advice On Living Vegetarian Values

Elisa Camahort--Co-Founder of BlogHer

Elisa Camahort--Co-Founder of BlogHer

Elisa Camahort is one of the three co-founders of the popular blogging and online community geared towards women, BlogHer.

On BlogHer’s website, the three women have offered their 12 Tips For Becoming Your Authentic Self. Camahort, a blogger of eco-conscious, green and vegan lifestyle issues, used her diet to illustrate the best way to live according to your values–even if you aren’t able to always live up to them.

“The corollary to living your values is: Do the best that you can, until you can do better. None of us is perfect. But we should never do nothing because we can’t do everything. I was a vegetarian for seventeen years before I finally successfully went vegan.”

Camahort also emphasized that each of us can practice what we preach by choosing where to spend our money.

“You have the opportunity to live your values with every dollar you spend. Vote via the ballot box and your wallet.”

A few months ago BlogHer Britt Bravo asked the question, Is Part Time Vegetarian Good Enough, using examples from famous people and notables in the green community who’ve discussed the impact of eating less meat.

The answer, according to Camahort’s values, must be a resounding yes!

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