Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Forks Over Knives” Screenings By Whole Foods Markets (Video)

Forks Over Knives, a documentary that suggests America’s health problems can be overcome by a switch to a plant-based diet, has partnered with Whole Foods and the store’s Healthy Eating Partner, Rip Esselstyn, author of “The Engine 2 Diet,” to offer a series of pre-screenings of the film. Whole Foods Market in Philadelphia sponsored the first screening, which sold out in July.

The following are some of the tour dates for when “Forks Over Knives” will be screening in a city near you. For exact time and location, check with your local Whole Foods Market.

  • Nashville, TN–Wednesday, October 6th
  • Chicago, IL–Tuesday, October 19th
  • Fort Collins, CO–Wednesday, October 20th
  • Los Angeles, CA–Thursday, November 11th
  • Portland, OR–TBA
  • Seattle, WA–TBA

According to the movie’s website, Forks Over Knives is expected to be in theatres in March 2011.

Rip Esselstyn, author of “The Engine 2 Diet” and son of Dr. Caldwell Esseslstyn, author, researcher and well known physician who appears in the documentary says, “My father’s ground-breaking work in helping critically ill patients reverse heart disease over the last twenty-five years provided the inspiration for my own choice to adopt and advocate for a PlantStrong diet. It is with great pride that I can now witness his decades of research and findings shared with the world in Forks Over Knives. I’m honored to have played a small part in the film, and to be able to work with Whole Foods Market in putting together screening events for our team members and customers.”

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