Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Says Vegan Diet Helps Her Hepatitis C

This weekend at PETA’s 30th anniversary gala, Pamela Anderson revealed she thinks eating vegan has helped her symptoms of Hepatitis C, a disease she contracted in 2002.

“I have Hepatitis C and I feel great, which I think has a lot to do with my diet,” Anderson said. “I feel better, I always feel healthy, but I feel better.”

A vegetarian diet has been shown to ease several ailments of the liver, including the final stages of liver failure, but one study found a diet in vegetable proteins helped with a condition known as Hepatic Encephalopathy, sometimes a complication of Hepatitis C that is marked by changes in mental processes like brain fogginess, confusion and forgetfulness.

Published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences, the study found that a “vegetable-protein diet resulted in overall clinical improvement, decreased hepatic encephalopathy index scores, decreased arterial ammonia levels, improved performance on intellectual tasks, and in one case, markedly improved protein tolerance.”

The researchers suggested that vegetable protein diets have lower amounts of certain amino-acids that contribute to the progression of hepatic encephalopathy.

Earlier this year, Anderson penned a letter to officials in Washington, supporting the Great Ape Protection Act. In her letter, Anderson urged to stop chimpanzee experiments for Hepatitis C treatments, calling current research on the apes  “ineffective” and “cruel.”

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says the virus behaves very differently in humans and chimpanzees and chimps rarely are chronically affected and adds many researchers use cell based models in place of animals.

Photo: PR Photos

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