Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrendan Brazier Tells How Hugh Jackman Got Interested In Veganism

Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier has an exclusive interview with VegNews on all the details of how actor Hugh Jackman got in touch with him for some advice on training on a vegan diet and how Jackman agreed to write the foreward for the vegan triathlete and supplement creator’s latest edition of his book Thrive.

“In the past he had eaten a lot of chicken for his role, but he took a lot of Vega, too. It turned out I was going to New York City so he said “well why don’t you just come over,” so I went over to his place and we had a great chat and he told me how he was trying out veganism for environmental and health reasons and to set a good example for his kids. It’s not just for his own career anymore, which he wrote in the forward. He was listing the reasons why he was interested in Thrive, and he was concerned for the environment. That’s definitely something that he was aware of, and wanted to help instead of hurt.”

More at VegNews.

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