Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres Asks Starbucks To Increase Non-Dairy Items

Ellen DeGeneres gave a little constructive criticism to Starbucks on her Twitter account recently.

The daytime TV host wants the coffee house chain to increase its selection of dairy-free items.

“Hey @Starbucks. How about some more options for non-dairy folks other than just vanilla soy. Please.”

To its credit, Starbucks has come a long way. The fact you can actually get a soy latte or cappuccino makes a long night up working or studying a lot easier on a caffeine addicted vegan.

And let’s hear it for those frappuccinos that can be made vegan, like the Soy Strawberries and Creme. The smoothie-like drinks make a good complement to the packaged vegan cookies that debuted in the restaurants earlier this year.

Still, wouldn’t it be great to have a cold hummus and veggie sandwich, vegan muffins and a vegetarian sausage breakfast sandwich in the case?

Follow @starbucks and Tweet your concerns! (After you follow @vegetarianstar, of course). You may also contact the coffee house giant through its website.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Ellen DeGeneres Asks Starbucks To Increase Non-Dairy Items”

  1. Jackie Says:

    Nice! GO ELLEN!!!!
    I wish they carried rice milk!!!

    I don’t know what brand of soy milk they use but it upsets my stomach as in a soy mocha. 🙁