Quantcast Vegetarian StarD.C. Veg Fest Features Famous Speakers And Free Goodie Bags

DC Veg Fest.  Credit: dcvegfest.com

DC Veg Fest. Credit: dcvegfest.com

The nation’s capitol will get a little greener tomorrow as the annual D.C. Veg Fest which will bring great speakers, great food and a great way for anyone with an interest in vegetarianism to get acquainted with the lifestyle.

Sponsored by both Compassion Over Killing and The Vegetarian Society of D.C., the festival taking place on Saturday, September 11th from 12 PM to 6PM at the University Yard of Georgetown University will feature well known speakers like vegan chef Tal Ronnen and Miss D.C. Mackenzie Green.

The first 400 people to stop by the information booth will get a D.C. Veg Fest 2010 commemorative bag filled with veggie goodies from food to beauty products.

For more information and to keep up with the countdown blog, visit DCVegFest.

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One Response to “D.C. Veg Fest Features Famous Speakers And Free Goodie Bags”

  1. Caroline Says:

    I can’t wait! Last year’s DC VegFest–the first one co-sponsored by both COK and VSDC–was amazing, and this one looks like it may even be better. VegFest has something for everyone, from longtime vegans to the “veg-curious.” The food is varied and delicious. I’m especially looking forward to trying Dama’s vittles and Vegan Treats!

    One correction to the information above: Vegfest is at George Washington University, not Georgetown! See: http://dcvegfest.com/