Quantcast Vegetarian StarBristol Palin “Dancing With The Stars” Costumes May Get Furry And Ugly

Bristol Palin “Dancing With The Stars” Costumes May Get Furry And Ugly

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 10th, 2010 in Fur, Reality TV.

Quick fact check. How many animals (not counting Levi Johnston) have been on Bristol Palin?

Unfortunately, that number may increase during this season’s Dancing with the Stars as rumors say the famous teenage mother and daughter of 2008 vice presidential candidate wants to use fur in her costumes.

“Bristol made clear to the costume designers that she loves fur,” a source, according to Popeater, said. “She said she thinks it’s sexy, classy and very glamorous and is encouraging the designers to use as much as possible on her costumes.”


One wouldn’t think the costume crew at DWTS would have Bristol sweating it up on the dance floor wearing a fur coat. Instead, Bristol will probably make use of fur trim in her outfits, which is killing more animals than full length fur outfits.

Activists have done a good job of deterring people from wearing entire fur coats and as a result, furriers have had to focus their business of putting little amounts of fur on sweaters, vests, hats and other attire to stay in business.

According to Fur Kills, a fur industry newsletter called Sandy Parker Reports estimates the number of animal pelts used for trim will soon outnumber those used for all-fur garments in western European and U.S. markets.

We’ve briefly touched on the number of animals killed in small garments that are less expensive than full length coats, which ranges anywhere from 30 rabbits to an entire bear.

Fur Kills also states that the majority of animals used in the trim industry are foxes. Question is, how many foxes will Bristol futilely use in an attempt to make herself think she’s looking like one?

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Bristol Palin “Dancing With The Stars” Costumes May Get Furry And Ugly”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Yeah she knows all about classy and glamorous lol