Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Bolton “Dancing With The Stars” Against Domestic Violence

Michael Bolton may be filling on up whole wheat pasta and wheatballs in preparation for each performance on Dancing with the Stars.

The singer who released the album “One World One Love” earlier this year is one of the competitors on the reality TV dancing show.

Bolton is dancing for his charity named after himself, The Michael Bolton Charities, Inc., which aims to curtail domestic violence and protect woman and children in at-risk situations either directly, such as funding for abuse hotlines or by raising social awareness of the issue through education and providing opportunities for youth.

MBC extended a hand during the hurricane Katrina and Rita situation in 2005 by donating $100,000 to the The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence-Hurricane Katrina Fund.

Future projects include establishing a Domestic Violence Legal Advocacy Fellowship that will train law students in being advocates to domestic violence survivors.

Since its inception in 1993, the charity has dispersed more than 5 million dollars to several organizations, including The National Domestic Violence Hotline (TX); Prevent Child Abuse America (IL); MENTOR-The National Mentoring Partnership (VA); The New York City Family Justice Center; UNCF (CT); Yale Child Study Center (CT); The Domestic Violence Crisis Center (CT); Mt. Sinai Sexual Assault Victims Intervention Program (NY); and The Children’s Advocacy Center (NY)

Photo: PR Photos

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