Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill O’Reilly Says Bull Fighting Supporters Are Pinheads Not Patriots

Bill O’Reilly highlighted what happens when bullfighting goes bad (and it always at least goes bad for the bull) in a segment titled “Pinheads and Patriots.” A bull went on a rampage and injured 40 people before being killed. Are people who continue to support bullfighting championing a tradition for their country?

According to O’Reilly, they’re just “pinheads.”

“Again, there is simply no reason to have bullfights,” he said. “It is blood sport. Spain and the other countries that do it should knock it off. They are pinheads for allowing it.”

A video of the bull charging the audience can be viewed at Peta.

Catalonia has already outlawed this. Will other Spanish regions soon follow?

Photo: PR Photos

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