Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker, Chuck Swift On “The Huckabee Show” Talk Whales (Video)

Bob Barker made an appearance on Mike Huckabee‘s talk show, The Huckabee Show, along with Chuck Swift, captain of the MV Bob Barker, the anti-whaling ship named after the former Price Is Right host.

Both men discuss international whaling treaties and Sea Shepherd’s work. Barker says the goal is to sink the Japanese whalers economically and claims this past year was especially successful because the whalers lost money.

Barker is big supporter of Sea Shepherd, having donated several million dollars to the cause.

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One Response to “Bob Barker, Chuck Swift On “The Huckabee Show” Talk Whales (Video)”

  1. Chondra Tang Says:

    If I have million million dollars like Brad Pitt I’ll do donate million to this campaign like Bob Barker’s done.