Quantcast Vegetarian StarParasailing Donkey Isn’t First Cruel Animal Publicity Stunt (Video)

Two entrepreneurs are feeling the heat from police in Russia and people around the world after they forced a donkey to parasail, thinking this stunt would attract visitors to their private beach.

An investigation is ongoing and the two could face up to 2 years in jail for animal cruelty. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time humans have used animals in an atrocious way to get attention.

Same sex marriage is a hot topic, but have you heard about monkey marriage?

In 2008, a Chinese zoo wanted to attract visitors with a monkey wedding, but activists said, “I Don’t.”

It’s been said that if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we’d all be vegetarian, but what effect does having a detailed play by play of the murder do for you?

In 2002, audience members got the, um, pleasure of Shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge commentary during an on air slaughter of a wild boar.

More horrifying animal PR stunts at Republican American.

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One Response to “Parasailing Donkey Isn’t First Cruel Animal Publicity Stunt (Video)”

  1. Brigitte Bardot Responds To Parasailing Donkey With Letter To Russian Prosecutor Says:

    […] Bardot found out about the Russian entrepreneurs who made a donkey parasail over a beach, forcing beach goers that included children to hear the animal screaming in terror. Makes you […]