Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Simpson Shocking System And Vegans On Twitter

Singer Jessica Simpson is all smiles as she steps out to dinner at Abe and Arthur's in New York City, New York for over 5 hours on Tuesday June 22, 2010. Fame Pictures, Inc

Jessica Simpson‘s Tweets about veganism appear to be more than just a passing phase.

The actress and singer not only likes Earth Balance vegan butter and tofu, she’s gone all the way with a new vegan diet.

“Shocked my system with a vegan diet, special Pu-erh tea from China, and cupping since friday! Who am I right now? This might be too clean!”

Simpson wouldn’t be the first celebrity to try out the veggie lifestyle, for diet or health reasons. And there are more than enough Hollywood starlets who go veg, quit, and bad mouth the experience.

Crossing our fingers Jessica stays in love with an animal-free diet longer than she did with Nick Lachey.

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One Response to “Jessica Simpson Shocking System And Vegans On Twitter”

  1. Jessica Simpson To Receive “The Kind Diet” Vegetarian Starter Kit Says:

    […] Simpson’s recent vegan Tweets have prompted PETA to send her a care […]