Quantcast Vegetarian StarSunshine’s Real “Big Brother” Says Vegan Sister Survives On Pasta

Big Brother‘s vegan housemate Yvette Martyn has a real big brother looking after her.

Gwyn Martyn, a stockbroker, is confident his little sister will get along just fine, despite her dietary restrictions.

“They often have small budgets for food and people don’t often like making separate dishes for vegetarians,” he said, “but she is happy eating pasta, so hopefully she will be okay.”

Pasta’s not the refined starch carbohydrate monster it was labeled by the anti-veggie villains like proponents of low carb and high meat diets. Enriched grain pasta is not only low in sodium, it’s a great source of protein for vegetarians and provides a fantastic energy boost with its complex carbohydrates that are released slowly over time.

The dish can be made even healthier by choosing whole wheat and picking sauces low in fat and limiting cholesterol adding ingredients like cheese or substituting butter for olive oil.

If Sunshine wanted to eat pasta for the next four months, it would be easy to do, given the variety of recipes like those from the collection of 138 vegan pasta dishes from around the world.

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