Quantcast Vegetarian StarRicky Gervais Video Urging Yes Vote In Spain Bullfighting Ban

Ricky Gervais is working with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in a campaign to outlaw bullfighting in the Catalonia region of Spain.

In a PSA recorded for the organization, Gervais says, “WSPA is trying to stop needless acts of cruelty all over the world. The Catalonian government in Spain is on the verge of voting for a ban on bullfighting. Catalonian MPs will be voting on the issue and you can do your bit to help.”

Next month (July), politicians in Spain will vote on a proposal to end to sport, which injures humans and ultimately kills bulls. Most recently, one of Spain’s most famous matadors, Julio Aparicio, was gored in the throat during a bullfight that left  him in critical condition.

Gervais is asking those supporting the cause to sign an online petition, letting officials know they back the idea of banning bullfighting.

“We want them to know that there are thousands of people all around the world who care which way they vote and are hoping to see them put an end to this cruel sport… Please go to the WSPA website and add your name to our petition so that together we can encourage the Catalan parliament to vote in favor of a ban.”

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4 Responses to “Ricky Gervais Video Urging Yes Vote In Spain Bullfighting Ban”

  1. Ricky Gervais WSPA Interview–Spain’s Not Into Bullfighting Anyway Says:

    […] Ricky Gervais has teamed up with the World Society for the Protection of Animals to record a PSA on the approaching vote that may ban bullfighting in certain parts of Spain. […]

  2. Stephen Colbert Mocks Bullfighting “The Colbert Report” (Video) Says:

    […] Local politicians in the Catalonia region of Spain are set to vote on a proposal that would ban the bloody and cruel sport. […]

  3. poonam Says:

    Bull fighting is a very cruel sport and must be banned immediately.We cannot call ourselves civilized if we indulge in such barbaric sports. All creatures are children of God and these poor animals are the speechless children of God and need to be loved and protected by humans.The strength of a human lies in his capacity to love & care for others and not in torturing the defenceless. If we are merciful to others we shall too get mercy. We must therefore put an end to cruelty all over the world and teach our children to have value for all forms of life and to be kind and merciful.

  4. Spain’s Catalonia Bans Bullfighting. Ricky Gervais, Animal Lovers Rejoice. Says:

    […] comedian and actor Ricky Gervais heard about the proposal in Spain, he recorded a PSA, urging a “yes” vote on the […]