Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman “Vegan Before 6” Gaining Popularity (VIDEO)

An ABC special recently highlighted the growing popularity of part time veganism, which has been attributed to author and New York Times contributor Mark Bittman with his “Vegan before 6,” approach.

The clip features Reggie Bass, who lost 40 pounds going on a raw vegan diet, and now has a business that sells prepared vegan foods.

“I would like to see people eat 100 percent raw vegan, but I don’t think it’s realistic at all. But I think that if people were even 80 percent raw and 20 percent,” says Bass in the video.

Scenes from interviews with Bittman and associate publisher of VegNews magazine Colleen Holland are also included.

“I made this rule for myself which was — okay I’m going to be a vegan, a really strict vegan until six at night, or until I eat dinner. And I’m going to eat whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, that’s it until 6 p.m.,” said Bittman.

“Everyone may have their opinions, I think for most people we know the world isn’t going vegan tomorrow. We know that would be the best thing for the planet, the best thing for the animals and it would be the best thing for human health, but this may be the first step in going towards that,” said Holland.

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