Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristian Serratos, Vegetarian Women On “Maxim Hot 100” 2010

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Premiere in LA

Christian Serratos is one of several vegetarian women who’ve made Maxim’s Hot 100 for 2010.

The Maxim editors are already trying to faux butter up to the Twilight babe by welcoming vegetarian food.

“One of the bevy of beauties produced by the Twilight series, Serratos recently posed nude for PETA. Hey, Christian, did we ever tell you we love seitan?”

Last year’s number one Olivia Wilde, slid a few notches to #20, but Olivia Munn is also representing the veggie gals by placing in the top 10.

Other notables in the veg/animal community are Hayden Panettiere and Zooey Deschanel.

The entire gallery of Maxim’s hottest can be found here, and are also in the June 2010 edition of the magazine available on the stands.

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One Response to “Christian Serratos, Vegetarian Women On “Maxim Hot 100” 2010”

  1. Kat Says:

    Zooey Deschanel is no longer a vegetarian. I read an article about her and she said it was too difficult with her allergies so she eats chicken and fish 🙁