Quantcast Vegetarian StarKesha Donates 1,000 Pounds Pet Food To Nashville Animal Shelter

Echo Award 2010

Kesha has donated 1,000 pounds of dog and cat food to the Nashville Metro Animal Shelter to help the overflow of animals that were relinquished or abandoned in the wake of the floods in the area.

“The pets were left alone [in flooded homes],” Kesha told People Pets. “A lot of them unfortunately died, but a lot of them were left stranded without food.”

The TiK ToK singer grew up in the city and is also a mother to several dogs rescued from places like Mexico and Honduras.

“I was wheeling massive amounts of dog food and I was with my mom and we both got a little emotional,” she added. “Sometimes animals get left behind when people are going through tragedy.”

She is also holding a benefit concert to help.

Many people don’t have a disaster plan for themselves, let alone their pets.

Along with a first aid kit for humans, The Humane Society of the United States suggests you construct a disaster kit for your pet, which should at least the following:

  • Food and water for at least five days for each pet
  • Medications and medical records stored in a waterproof container and a first aid kit
  • Cat litter box, litter, garbage bags to collect all pets’ waste, and litter scoop
  • Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers to transport pets safely
  • Current photos and descriptions of  pets
  • Pet beds and toys
  • Information about your pets-feeding schedules, etc.

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One Response to “Kesha Donates 1,000 Pounds Pet Food To Nashville Animal Shelter”

  1. Kesha Speaks On Why She’s Vegetarian Says:

    […] have known that anyone who donates 1,000 pounds of food to shelter animals might find it hard to separate her own pet from a cow or […]