Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Play Dead” Director Doug Sakmann Responds To Dead Animal Parts Criticism

Previously we reported on the use of real animal parts in the zombie football movie about a team of dead players coming back for the championship title, Play Dead.

While we wouldn’t exactly call the post written, “angry,” the director of the film, Doug Sakmann, has since responded to the criticism on the film’s website.

“Real meat and guts were incorporated into the makeup FX—which elicited an angry post over at the Vegetarian Star website, which complained, “Completely disgusting and uncalled for, especially considering how easy it is to make fake flesh props for the screen.” Sakmann’s response: “They don’t know how much it costs to make fake parts. If they want to pay for them, by all means I’ll use them, but until then I’ll just go to the Asian market and buy them for $3. I think it looks better anyway. It’s not like I killed anything to make the movie; they were already dead!””

The clip above shows how the dead parts were put together to resemble a horse corpse.

Unlike meat used for food, dead animal props isn’t a common requirement for most films, so the industry probably isn’t spending millions of dollars on it.

What do you guys think?

Should we not make such a fuss of using real meat this way in movies and instead focus energy on ensuring live animals aren’t being abused or hurt in the entertainment industry?

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One Response to ““Play Dead” Director Doug Sakmann Responds To Dead Animal Parts Criticism”

  1. Leench Says:

    If these animals evolved to a level of sentience equal to that of people they would no doubt have scores of their ranks aspiring to contribute to the world of art and film just like us people. Mr. Sakmann is only following in the steps first taken by the famous Body Worlds exhibit and the controversial yet highly respected work of Joel-Peter Witkin, except he has opened the spotlight up to animals of all walks, not just us highly evolved apes. This should be heralded as a feather in the cap (a feather found on the ground and not pulled from a living bird) for animal activists who should be looking to end discrimination against animals in the art world.

    I’m a 15 year veg, and I think this is a great thing.