Quantcast Vegetarian StarJimmy Fallon Thinks PETA Girls Are Hot, But Will He Do Meatless Mondays?

Actor Jimmy Fallon arrives at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Benefit celebrating the opening of American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity in New York

Jimmy Fallon buttered up to a PETA volunteer at the White House Correspondents dinner last weekend by giving the lady a hug and whispering, “PETA girls are hot.”

Hot, partially nude females make the animal rights group well known, but does it serve to promote vegetarianism?

Such the question arose when Lea Michele told Popeater she’s not ready to take her clothes off yet and feels she can get the message out that it’s not cool to wear fur without showing cleavage.

In the midst of PR frenzies, let’s hope PETA girls are remembered for the message they send about treating animals kindly as much as they are for their legs.

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