Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Meat Is For Pussies” Book Set For May Release

"Meat is for Pussies" John Joseph

"Meat is for Pussies" John Joseph

If a man had been given the opportunity to write Skinny Bastard, the male component to the best selling vegan diet book by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, Skinny Bitch,  John Joseph would have been the ideal candidate.

His latest book due out May 15, Meat Is For Pussies, appropriately titled as the guide for how to “get fit, kick ass and take names” is meant to shatter the myth that going meatless takes away the manly in anyone with a Y chromosome.

The Dish is Vegetarian has an exclusive excerpt from the book that tells men they can either “continue living like a pussy” or take charge of their health.

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