Quantcast Vegetarian StarBethenny Frankel Reduces Sodium By Cutting Meat In Pregnancy

Pregnant Bethenny Frankel Goes Gitty For Paps Before Her Wedding!

Bethenny Frankel is about 7 months pregnant now, and she’s definitely feeling the effects, including having to urinate every couple of hours and bloating.

She said that her face was “literally deformed so much that I look like a different person.”

To cut down on bloating, Frankel has reduced her salt intake and has taken to eating mostly vegetarian.

This shouldn’t be hard, given the fact she’s already demonstrated cooking dozens of vegetarian recipes.

Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, deli cuts, hot dogs and frozen dinners can be full of sodium, and a group called the Center for Science in the Public Interest has urged the USDA to establish maximum levels of sodium content in these foods.

Recently, some studies have found the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes in those who consume processed meats greater than those who don’t.

The red tape of Capitol Hill can be thicker than oatmeal you forget to add enough water to.

Why wait for the government to say certain levels of salt in meat is “healthy?”

Whether you’re pregnant or not, cut all meat from your diet and always be able to recognize yourself in the mirror.

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One Response to “Bethenny Frankel Reduces Sodium By Cutting Meat In Pregnancy”

  1. Bethenny Frankel Brown Rice Breakfast Recipe (Video) Says:

    […] must be what the pregnant Real Housewives of New York City star is eating in place of sausage links in the morning to reduce her bloating […]