Quantcast Vegetarian StarDave Lieberman Adds Super Foods To “10 Things You Need To Eat”

2009 UNICEF Snowflake Ball

Dave Lieberman, Food Network chef and co-author of The 10 Things You Need To Eat, is taking cooking to a whole new healthy level by incorporating more of what he calls “super foods” into his regime.

This includes using quinoa in many dishes and putting vegetables in desserts.

“Veggies like beets are actually a great thing to add to desserts because they not only make them moist and more delicious, but add fiber and vitamins,” Lieberman said. “Plus, if you use canned beets you get all of the flavor and nutrition for a lot less money, and they are easier to mash.”

Lieberman is so confident in his cooking skills for quinoa, he says not to bother following the instructions on the quinoa package, and instead refer to his book to avoid that “soggy” quinoa outcome.

Great way to increase sales!

Quinoa and beets are two top super foods you’ll want to add to your pantry, even if you don’t buy a copy of Lieberman’s book.

Quinoa is a great source of magnesium, which helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and contains all nine essential amino acids.

In addition to being blood pressure helpers, beets are high in folate, a must have for women of child bearing age and a key in regenerating new cells and preventing DNA damage that causes cancer.

Plus, a 2009 British study showed beet juice may increase workout stamina by 16%.


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One Response to “Dave Lieberman Adds Super Foods To “10 Things You Need To Eat””

  1. Dave Lieberman 10 Things To Eat Says:

    […] Dave recommends you buy his book to teach you how to cook it, versus reading the instructions off the […]