Quantcast Vegetarian StarJamie Oliver Gets Medieval On French Fries At High School (Video)

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution isn’t converting the Americans to healthier foods like Jamie Oliver did in the UK.

Good old things like American French Fries are getting in the way.

During a recent episode, Jamie is appalled to learn his pasta stir fry with vegetables doesn’t count as a serving of vegetables according to the USDA (the golden standard by which we should all be eating from, of course) guidelines of 1 1/4 cup (even though veggies shrivel after losing their water when cooked) served at lunchtime and is therefore not reimbursable.

However, french fries do.

Jamie says he’s going to “get medieval” on the french fry line (hell, yeah), shuts it down and begins snatching fries off students plate.

Sadly, most of those 1 1/4 cups of fruit and vegetable probably get tossed in the garbage, while the pasta stir fry and other similar dishes eaten on a regular basis would probably be more beneficial to the kids as most studies indicate more nutrients are obtained when the vegetables are actually eaten.

It’s a tough world Jamie has to live in every Sunday evening, but he needs to make the most of what he has.

Cut the frying and serve “french bakes” (sounds less sexier, but still does the trick). Drizzle olive oil over the potato slices and season them with non salt spices like garlic and pepper.

To get really wild, bake sweet potato fries instead.

French bake stir fry, french bake medley, mixed Asian French bakes with dressing and french bake salad are all possibilities when the customers get bored.

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2 Responses to “Jamie Oliver Gets Medieval On French Fries At High School (Video)”

  1. Jamie Oliver Says Real Men Shouldn’t Drink Pink Says:

    […] like Jamie found out french fries count wonderfully as a vegetable, he learned pink milk, despite the sugar content, makes a good source of […]

  2. Paul McCartney Knows French Fries Are Vegetables Says:

    […] Oliver is still disappointed that french fries count as a vegetable in school lunches, but if the great Meat Free Monday champion Paul McCartney sits down for a snack of these with his […]