Quantcast Vegetarian StarTila Tequila Shops For Meat, Shows Some Meat

Tila Tequilla

Tila Tequilla

Tila Tequila got caught in a very inappropriate position.

Out shopping for the day, Tequila stopped by the meat section of the grocery store and appeared to be contemplating if she was going to be a breast, leg or thigh girl for the day.

Definitely not cool.

The potential e. coli, hormones and antibiotics surrounding Tequila at that moment were waaaay dirtier than that outfit.

Such a shame, considering she’s already passionate about not wearing fur, as was evident in her column for Global Grind, Hot Girls Fake It For The Animals.

Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila

Then again, the photos might motivate some to stay away from the aisle, as zeitgeistyreport suggests.

“Ewww… just…ewww. I remember when ‘Babe’ first came out, it turned me off meat for like 9 months, I think these photos will be the impetus for me to go vegan forever. I hope they fumigated the whole meat section after she finished up her little photo shoot. I don’t wanna hear on the 6 o’clock news that a slew Los Angeles carnivores came down with a case of skank.”

Here’s hoping Tequila’s next writing assignment investigates factory farms and the impact on eating animals on the earth, so in the future she’ll be showing a little less real meat.

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