Quantcast Vegetarian StarKaty Perry Rides Elephant At Perez Hilton Carn-Evil Birthday Party

Katy Perry attends the 23rd annual Kids' Choice Awards in Los Angeles

Katy Perry arrived at gossip blogger Perez Hilton‘s 32 Carn-Evil themed birthday bash on top an elephant.

One has to wonder if Perry already had her social drinking experience before she got there, given her choice of transportation.

Besides the obvious unanswered questions like where she parked it, did it like the hors d’ oeuvres, and did it defecate in the appropriate elephant litter box, you have to wonder how the pachyderm coped with all the noise and excitement of the party.

Commenters on PeoplePets figured the festivities were a real downer–for the elephant.

“from atop the elephant, who, according to one witness, “looked perturbed.” I’m sure the poor elephant was..”

“Katy Perry is quite the weirdo isn’t she… always out for the shock factor……Why does she have to exploit animals when doing so? Elephants should be left in the wild or a zoo if that is the last resort, not in a Circus, and not for hire for entertainment purposes. Why don’t these people get a real life!”

Whether the elephant was perturbed from the party entirely or just Lady Gaga‘s newest outfit was not reported.

The next time Perry’s invited to a party, she should leave the elephant at home in the wild or a sanctuary.

It doesn’t mind being a homebody.

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