Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoaquin Phoenix Records PETA Video On Exotic Animals In Fashion

Salma Hayek at The 18th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Oscar Party in LA

Joaquin Phoenix is back!

After a brief stint as a Rastafarian looking rapper with average rhyming ability, Phoenix has cut his hair, shaved and possibly showered to show his pretty face in a new video for PETA on the use of animal hides in the fashion industry.

“Exotic animals are mostly unknown to us, and so is what they suffer before being turned into belts and bags,” Joaquin says in the video. “Every year millions of reptiles are slaughtered so handbags, belts and shoes can be made from their skin. The animals’ welfare is not a consideration to those who hunt, skin and farm them.”

According to SF Gate, the video will be sent to celebrities who are known for using clothing and accessories made from lizards, snakes and alligators.

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