Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Dancing With The Stars” Carrie Ann Inaba Needs Protein Help

The 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards - Arrivals

Carrie Ann Inaba needs some veg advice on proteins, quick!

The Dancing with the Stars judge should have had a heart to heart talk with former contestant Cloris Leachman.

Inaba says that although she used to be vegetarian, she found it hard to combine the right proteins, but she’s looking to go back.

“I eat organic and I cut down on meat. I tried to be a vegetarian but my body craves protein and I haven’t found the right mix yet. But I cut down to only two times a week, and it has to be organic meat.

According to a FAQ sheet from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, finding the right mix of proteins may be easier than once thought.

“It was once thought that various plant foods had to be eaten together to get their full protein value, otherwise known as protein combining or protein complementing. We now know that intentional combining is not necessary to obtain all of the essential amino acids. As long as the diet contains a variety of grains, legumes, and vegetables, protein needs are easily met.”

PCRM then goes on to list plant sources of protein with the number of proteins in each source in grams.

Black beans, seitan, tofu, tempeh and lentils top the list and the group recommends you aim for  2-3 servings of legumes every day.

Have you found your right mix of veggie proteins yet?

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