Ryan Gosling Asks McDonald’s To Use Humane Slaughter Practices
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 11th, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues, Business, Restaurants.
Ryan Gosling has voiced his concerns over what PETA says are outdated slaughter practices fast food giant McDonald’s is practicing.
In a letter to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner, Gosling pointed out that although there are no laws governing chicken slaughter in the U.S., Europe has already adopted a more humane way of slaughter.
“Dear Mr. Skinner, I was shocked to learn from my friends at PETA that McDonald’s, a company that claims to be an industry leader in animal welfare, still allows its suppliers to use an outdated chicken slaughter method that results in broken wings and legs and causes birds to be scalded to death in defeathering tanks.”
Gosling wrote a similar letter to officials at KFC Canada in 2008 and the company that coordinates purchases for those KFCs is currently in the process of phasing in all their chickens from suppliers that use this method.
No chickens killed is the best, but more humane slaughter methods are a step in the right direction.
Wanna write a letter yourself?
Grab and pen, pencil or keyboard and make your voice heard to Mr. Skinner at Jim Skinner, CEO, McDonald’s Corporation, 2111 McDonald’s Dr., Oak Brook, IL 60523.
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