Quantcast Vegetarian StarBabyCakes Births A Vegan Donut

BabyCakes Births A Vegan Donut

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 9th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Close-up of three coated doughnuts

Erin McKenna of BabyCakes has perfected the vegan donut.

NY Mag is reporting the eggless, dairyless rings come in several flavors, such as chocolate-glazed, coconut-lemon and cinnamon-sugar.

Sounds delicious!

“Everything has to be not just fine for vegans or gluten-free but, you know … worth it, worth eating and really delicious,” McKenna, the owner of the bakery frequented by many vegetarian celebrities, said.

Will BabyCakes new donuts be worth every penny to the last crumb?

Jason Schwartzman or Zooey Deschanel will have to hold a vegan eating contest and find out.

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