Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Pedigree Adoption Drive PSA (Video)

Carrie Underwood Pedigree Adoption Drive PSA (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 20th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Female Singers, Videos.

As reported earlier, Carrie Underwood has recorded a PSA for Pedigree’s Adoption Drive.

Sharing the spotlight with the vegetarian singer is her dog Ace.

“He seems like one in a million, but unfortunately, he’s not,” Carrie says. “Four million great dogs like him end up in shelters and breed rescues every year.”

Watch the clip to learn how you can sign up and help dogs like Ace find homes.

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One Response to “Carrie Underwood Pedigree Adoption Drive PSA (Video)”

  1. Marcia Johnson Says:

    Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, our rural area was hit by a flood – homes and businesses have been ruined, including our animal shelter:

    The water has drained from the building and the animals are safe. Though the building looks better on the surface, the insurance agent explained that because the sewage / mud is probably still inside the walls, much urgent work is needed to keep the building from being a health hazard. He then told us that we have NO coverage and will get no help from them. We are on a list with several restoration companies to get an estimate of the damages, but since there were so many affected locally, that list is long.

    Our big open house had been scheduled for last Saturday; we were celebrating our “re-birth”, and had hoped to bring in more community support and donations. Instead, Mother Nature hit us with this! Much of the food and litter and medical supplies were ruined.

    In addition, our shed had been completely filled with items that had been donated for an upcoming rummage sale (our primary fundraiser, usually bringing in at least $5,000). Instead, we paid someone to haul it all to the dump because it was wet and contaminated. Though we’ve had wonderful volunteers stop by “just to see if they could help”, many of our staff and volunteers must deal with their own personal damages; the wrath of the flood covered a wide area.

    This disaster also caused area animals to panic and run off – there were many strays dropped off at our facility! Thank goodness for micro-chipping, because many were reunited with their owners (but most remain).

    Staff, board members, volunteers – we had all been working so hard to give these animals a better life, and to make the shelter more financially stable. Things were really looking up – but now everything’s just fallen apart. Other board members are saying “we can rebound from this”. But personally, I have never before felt so helpless and challenged, and question whether we will be able to get back on our feet (paws) after this misfortune.

    We need your help now more than ever!
