Quantcast Vegetarian StarSuper Bowl Commercials PETA Approves (Video)

This year’s Super Bowl featured a variety of commercials that focused on using animation and other technologies to replace the use of live animals that may otherwise be overworked and thrown into an unnatural environment.

PETA may have had their fornicate with vegetables Super Bowl ad banned, but they aren’t bitter about it, and give credit to some great animal friendly commercials, including this Whales of a Tale: Bridgestone video.

“Three friends. One animatronic whale. Millions of happy viewers. Bridgestone also gets extra kudos from us for recently banning the use of endangered animals in all of its commercials!”

Plus, there’s nothing more entertaining than a beaver than plays the fiddle in the Monster.com commerical, right?

Visit PETA to view the entire list of favorite animal friendly Superbowl commericals.

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