Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Mike Fisher Engaged (Video)

Carrie Underwood Mike Fisher Engaged (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 22nd, 2009 in Female Singers, Videos.

One of country music’s favorite sweethearts, Carrie Underwood, is engaged!

Carrie and the lucky guy, Ottawa Senators hockey player Mike Fisher, haven’t set a date yet.

“My family generally supports everything I do,” Carrie says, in the AP video above on her parents thoughts about Fisher.

That means her parents also supported her going vegetarian, even though they are cattle ranchers.

And Carrie gave them respect back.

Carrie said of her parents careers, “I respect what they do very much. That’s what put clothes on my back and paid for college. But cows were like my dogs. I named them, I played with them, I bottle-fed them. When I realized why we had cows, I couldn’t think of anyone eating my friends. It scared me, and I quit eating meat.”

Will the Fisher-Underwood home be a shared diet one, or will Carrie teach Fisher to tackle veggie meals, much like fellow ice master Georges Laraque?

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One Response to “Carrie Underwood Mike Fisher Engaged (Video)”

  1. Kim Says:

    I don’t understand why she would say that. I’m so sad she said that.Her parents can find jobs that do not require animal torture.