Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “Self Magazine” January 2010–Quorn And Kitties

Carrie Underwood Self Magazine January 2010

Carrie Underwood Self Magazine January 2010

Carrie Underwood is on the January 2010 cover of Self Magazine and inside she’s divulging some secrets about her favorite foods, like Quorn, the meat substitute that’s made from a fungus, but sure doesn’t taste like one!

“If I eat too much before a show, I just want to sit down. Too little, and I’m starving. So I eat something small, like Quorn, a tasty meat-free protein, and green beans.”

Carrie has lent her support to the Humane Society in the past and doesn’t spare words when it comes to people who don’t care and look after animals.

“I hate it when people don’t take care of their pets. It’s important to spay or neuter them.”

Will Carrie be the next vegetarian celebrity to replace Bob Barker and be the public face for controlling the pet population?

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