Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlanis Morissette Marathon Body Fueled With Kale

Alanis Morissette Marathon Body Fueled With Kale

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 18th, 2009 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

2009 Environmental Media Awards

Alanis Morissette has confessed to some serious kale addiction.

Maybe she and Kristen Bell should get together more often.

The singer who calls herself “90% vegan” said, “I eat kale salad. I put kale in my smoothies, kale in my soup. Kale, kale, kale! I feel like Popeye. I love it. I definitely need variety or I get super bored, so I have to mix it up with different sauces and tahini or whatever.”

That explains why one of her most recent parties was hooking up with vegetarian author Anna Thomas and digging her fingers through the fresh vegetable.

Alanis is currently training for the Biz Johnson marathon, which she says isn’t hurt at all by her vegan friendly diet.

“I think veganism is really well suited for training, at least for me anyway.”

Alanis is featured in the January 2010 issue of Runner’s World.

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One Response to “Alanis Morissette Marathon Body Fueled With Kale”

  1. smilinggreenmom Says:

    Great for her! I wish I could be 90% vegen. I am working my way up to it though as our family has cut out a lot of processed foods choosing to eat more and more whole and healthy foods instead. It is so smart and I truly believe there are a lot of awesome benefits to this. Maybe then I could train for a marathon! LOL 🙂 I really wish…but I find myself needing my heating pad and Topricin natural pain cream everytime I just ry! I get sore muscles but it probably has a lot to do with stretching or lack of.